Dear Everyone
Thank you for your support with Save Epping’s Forest Park Petition. I would like to inform you 557 people signed our petition between 6 January and 18 January 2017. City of Parramatta received a further 590 petitions directly which means a total of 1147 people signed the petition. We handed the petitions to Amanda Chadwick, Administrator, City of Parramatta Council at our meeting with her yesterday.
More peoples’ signed petitions continue to be sent to us. We are really amazed and delighted with how the community has supported this Petition. Can you please convey our thanks to your friends if they also signed the petition. We have not kept a record of those who signed the petition so we are unable to thank them individually. Ms Chadwick also said the Council does not have the resources to respond individually to each person.
The petitions returned to us included a number of ‘other concerns’ about Epping held by local residents. A summary of these was also provided to Ms Chadwick. A copy of this is attached should you be interested in hearing what other people have said.
Read What People had to say (View Archived Petition)
Please note the Forest Park Planning Proposal will not be going to the Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel meeting on 21 February 2017 as we previously thought and was conveyed to you in the information sent to you. This is because an amended Planning Proposal suitable for review is yet to be received by the Council.
The City of Parramatta Council is very much in agreeance with our fifth action request. That is to withhold making a decision on the Forest Park Planning Proposal until after the Epping Planning Reviews are completed. However, a decision on this is to be determined by the State Government.
We think the Petition will help towards achieving the Save Epping’s Forest Park action group’s aims but there is still a long way to go and more work to do.
Thanking you for your support.